Good Vibrations Engineering Ltd.

In-house Development Projects

interactive vehicle simulation to survey Mars for H20. It incorporates an electromagnetic sounding device for the near surface detection of briny water. A surface investigation device is highly desirable on Mars, but difficult to implement on a rover. Our vehicle is based on composite material, to avoid emi interference with sounding signal. No motors are active during survey hops.
Force Moment Sensor
a space robotic version, drift free.
2nd US Patent, No. 9,513,179 B2
de-orbit instrument package.
US Patent No. 6,869,048
Ultrasonic Destruction controlled cavitation in liquid flow
US patent No. 6,770,248
Derivation of structural/electrical interaction FE model: Encyclopedia of Smart Structures
Multiple Reaction Force Test Technique
  • Manipulation of modal test data to account for boundary condition changes. We no longer market this development. It has proved useful in our other work.
  • CASI tech paper
  • driven base modal analysis application IAC conference paper

R&D Philosophy

Most of our projects began with at least partial government funding, which has long since dried up. The projects and ideas are still valid, and some of the markets are visible now.

We have a long term approach to R&D. We prioritize the project to focus on, with cost/benefit analysis. Currently, we're applying most of our resources to the space robotic force moment sensor. The market need for it is imminent, with the interest in On-orbit satellite servicing. To motivate our internal development work, in the absence of funding, a virtual boss concept has been implemented for the FMS. A technology development plan lays out the goals. Each month, a brief web based monthly report summarizes progress and lays out plans for the coming month.